The Department's regulations are divided in two groups, the Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP), which include all the social service programs regulations, and the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 22, Divisions 2, 6, and 12, which include the Adoptions Program Regulations and the Community Care Licensing Regulations. CALIFORNIA-DSS-MANUAL-CCL MANUAL LETTER NO. CCL Effective 11/1/98 Page CHILD CARE CENTER (Cont.) GENERAL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS Regulations IMMUNIZATIONS (Continued) HANDBOOK CONTINUES (c) The California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Section (a), requires that: Any pupil seeking . CALIFORNIA-DSS-MANUAL-CCL MANUAL LETTER NO. CCL Effective 8/10/06 Page FOSTER FAMILY AGENCIES Regulations CHILD ABUSE CENTRAL INDEX (a) Prior to certifying a home, the foster family agen cy shall ensure that the Department has conducted a Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) review pursuant to Health and Safety.
CALIFORNIA-DSS-MANUAL-CCL MANUAL LETTER NO. CCL Effective 11/1/98 CHILD CARE CENTER STAFF-INFANT RATIO (a) In addition to Sections (c), (e), (g) and (h), and notwithstanding Sections (a), (b), (d) and (f), the following shall apply. state of california - health and human services agency arnold schwarzenegger, governor department of social services p street, sacramento, ca regulation package # cdss manual letter no. ccl to: holders of the community care licensing manual, title 22, division 6, chapter 7, transitional housing placement program. licensed by the State of California to perform medical procedures prescribed by a physician. This shall include, but not be limited to, physician's assistants, registered nurses and licensed vocational nurses. CALIFORNIA-DSS-MANUAL-CCL MANUAL LETTER NO. CCL Effective 11/1/98 Page
Toddlers (18 months to 36 months old) - adult-child ratio, teacher-child ratio. -. -. HANDBOOK CONTINUES. mm. CALIFORNIA-DSS-MANUAL-CCL. Licensing Division of the State Department of Social Services. All programs must meet the regulations specified in Title 22 of the California Administrative. Reference: Sections and. , Health and Safety Code. CALIFORNIA-DSS-MANUAL-CCL. MANUAL LETTER NO. CCL Effective 11/1/ Page